Saturday, September 27, 2003


not worthy of any true love for does not give any in return.
self seeking
boring repetition
joys at others discontentment
reopening healing wounds
blunt knives cut the deepest
don't tell me you don't care
prying information
subtle manipulations
caught in a web of lies
it's all coming back to haunt me
I'm the only trustworthy one
shameful pride
What did I do?
tears of guilt
tears of pain
Are you sure you're ok?
Hateful of change
loyalties only skin deep
social butterfly
shunning outsiders
"Club members only"
you don't deserve me
I don't deserve you
why me?
no comprehension
"you don't belong here"
"you don't understand "
fix the pain
buy my silence
pay for my mistakes
you can trust me,
but you shouldn't
You can't leave me like this
Hypocrite oaths
don't pretend your not human
I know you care
you must have a soul in there somewhere
cry me a river
what will I do without you?
they can't take you away from me
you're mine!
shuddering sobs
voice controlled
first sign of weakness
must not let you know
taken advantage of
you have it all
what more could you want?
the auction of property
claim the plots of my soul
piteous sentiments

It's been an increasingly confusing day and I don't have the energy to sort through all my scattered thoughts. In the meantime this is all I'm going to do and I'll let all of you decide what's going on for yourself.