Thursday, April 15, 2004

Wheeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Actual Journal time!

Hmm ^^;

Well it's been a while since I updated
Ok, now that the intro's over with,

Spring break was Awesome ^^; (and I know I'm a little late, I was just getting over the hangover ~_^)

School: Drama-Got our scene pretty much finalized (we just need to memorize it now) and goofed off for most of the class instead of practicing for state like I should have been *slapslap*
Art- I hate drawing chairs, stools, or anything like unto whicker baskets. Unfortunately we were supposed to be drawing a stack of stools, and as if that wasn't bad enough The student teacher made us draw the negative space (as in not the stools but the blank space in between them) which made for an interesting composition. I did however make several good comebacks and "Ooh! Burn!" insults with the guys sitting next to me, to which they responded with several of their own, as well as having Sam (one of the guys sitting next to me) discover that I do indeed have a Mary Poppins style genuinely bottomless backpack. The contents included a Rubix cube, a couple of bouncy balls, a few miniature toy thingies that you have to put together, a tape player, earphones (the original item that Sam asked me if I had) numerous sets of cards, random food items, and, to top it all off, a 2 liter bottle of Black Cherry Shasta soda ^^; good stuff
Debate- Party!!(and the reason why I had the soda in my backpack) After spending most of it playing Catch Phrase and other such games while devouring tons of junkfood, Mrs. Bevan asked me to go down to the copy center to pick up the flyers for the midnight movie. After going down, getting the copies and cutting them I started on my crusade and handed them out to every person I passed during lunch.
Lunch- Handed out lots of flyers in the lunchroom, only to come back in about 5 minutes to find that most of the people I had handed them to had simply left them on the tables and left. Undaunted, I went around, picked up all the flyers I could and proceeded to re-hand them out. (Some call me devoted, some call me optimistic, some just call me insane.) In doing so I also missed lunch but due to our debate party I wasn't very in the mood for food at the time.
American Studies- Took a test that I wasn't prepared for and corrected it, then Mr. Birrell Stuffed us all in a closet to watch a couple of movies on the Holocaust. By the time we finished the "closet" (which was actually the small hallway off of Birrell's room) was hot (about 10-20 degrees hotter than Mr. Birrell's room) and smelled pretty similar to the Holocaust. Mr. Birrell eventually did let us go free but it was a rather interesting experience.

After school was over I went home and played on the computer while reveling in the fact that I had a good long weekend ahead of me. Marianne called later and decided to come over a little early (she, Shelli and I were planning on going to the midnight movie that night), we then left my house and went to a few different stores trying to find one that was open at 11:30 at night so we'd have food for the movies. Our search was to no avail however and we ended up buying the expensive theater popcorn and drinks.*muttermutter* We(Shelli and I) did however have a very good time watching The Prince & Me which has got to be one of the biggest chick flicks of all time(not to mention the one with the most grammatically incorrect title) but fortunately it was a very well made chick flick. Almost needless to say Marianne did not come and see the chick flick with us *sticks tongue out at Marianne* but she did stay and wait for us after her movie finished and graciously gave us a ride back home. After that it's all kinda fuzzy as I was asleep on my feet.

Thursday: The beginning of spring break
Woke up at about 2:30 in the afternoon much to my surprise (My family doesn't let me sleep in that long. Ever. Finally got out of bed and immediately got on the computer and turned on my MSN. While on MSN I talked to a few people and Shambray asked to come over. So of course I was willing and my parents allowed it! *beams* We spent the day wandering around my house playing with my pony (little brat) and I tried on my huge collection of costumes for Shambray (she seemed kinda shocked as I pulled them out of my closet ^^;)and my 4 year old little sister Miri who came down to bring Shambray flowers from the backyard, which, to our surprise, smelled like fish (and no I am not kidding, Shambray can testify). We later called Shambray's mom to see if she could sleep over and once again the answer was yes (by this time it was about 11:00). Shambray, my sister Shelli and I then drove over to Shambray's house, got her stuff, then stopped by smiths on the way home to pick up stuff for Shelli's B-day party the next day. After getting home we filled Easter eggs with candy (although about half of the candy never made it into the eggs^^; yum), spent a while trying to fix my Rubix cube (that Marianne messed up XP ), and talked until about 5:30 in the morning.

Friday: Shelli's Birthday party!
Woke up, got food. Shelli and I then spent a while calling people reminding them about my sister's party (including many people who said they'd come but later didn't *CoughAdamCough*. We tried calling Addison only to find that he was sick in bed, so rather than sit around and do nothing we decided to go visit him while we were out getting last minuet groceries and dropping Shambray off at home, which became an interesting experience as Shambray had a car with her, so we decided to drive to Kholers (Shambray in her car and Shelli and I in the one I use), go to Dollar store for a card and anything else we found interesting, dropped it of at Addison's house, went back to Kholers and Shambray went home to get some sleep before the party while Shelli and I got more food for the party and then drove off to the thanksgiving point theater because I had left my wallet there after the midnight movie. After waiting in the theater for about an hour for the employees to actually give me back my wallet (during which time I waited in three lines to talk to them and at every turn was sent somewhere else, often to the exact people I had been sent to before) I finally managed to talk to the manager and get my much needed wallet back. I then went home, played the computer for a while and cleaned the house while simultaneously making food and calling people (go me). People then got there and we spent a while outside on the tramp waiting for people until we finally went inside for food. Soon thereafter the games begun, which consisted of Apples to Apples (a word game) and several interesting card games. We then went downstairs and played Murder in the dark while my siblings were upstairs hiding the Easter eggs for our egg hunt. Unsurprisingly the eggs were found rather quickly, and the candy inside was quickly consumed (at least on my part). Then people started leaving (as it was about 11:00) and Shambray and I decided to go drop off the remaining people (except for Marianne and Alyssa who were sleeping over) so that Shambray could talk to Addison. Marianne Shelli and Alyssa decided that they wanted to come so they followed us and thus a mad car chase came about. With shambray and I trying to get away and Marianne in no way willing to loose us, we spent about a half an hour speeding around the streets of Alpine in the middle of the night. Finally Shambray admitted defeat and she and I managed to convince Marianne to give up pursuit. After the coercion was over Shambray and I went over to Addison's house and talked to him till about 12:30 in the morning. Shambray then dropped me off at home and I got scolded by my dad (it wasn't a very bad scolding but it was a scolding nonetheless) and went down to my room and stayed up until about 3:30 talking to Alyssa.

Saturday: Easter egg hunt!
Much to my annoyance I was woken up at about 8:30 by my siblings who insisted that we were all going to and Easter egg hunt at Thanksgiving Point (that I was too old to participate in) So Shelli and I donned our matching "family outing" sweatshirts that my mom made specifically for the purpose of keeping us together and recognizable when we go out as a family, and all of us, including Marianne and Alyssa (who were about as "happy" with being woken up as we were) and piled into our van. We got there only to find that the line was about a mile long. Once we finally got in (after waiting about an hour in the cold wind and morning air) Marianne, Alyssa, Shelli and I went and took a nap on the grass while we waited for the hunt to be over. My poor siblings got trampled by all of the frantic parents shoving Easter eggs into their children's baskets in the frantic rush for eggs that looked a lot like the fiasco with the early registration for the Sophomores-soon to become Juniors (thankfully my parents weren't among them) Mrs. Woolsey described the problem best by stating that most parents in this area (particularly the mothers) are "helicopter parents" meaning that they hover over and save their children from everything. After the hunt we came home had food then Alyssa had to go home so Marianne, Shelli and I went out side and had fun trying to get my pony used to being ridden as she has never been broken in before. She didn't like that much but she is getting much better at behaving (although she did throw me off a couple of times but I keep getting back on her, much to her annoyance). After we got tired of her (and no Aubrey I am not going to send her to the glue factory now since I've ridden her a couple of times, though it is a temptation to do so ~_^) We went inside and generally hung out for the rest of the day until Marianne had to go home.

Sunday; EASTER!
Woke up and went upstairs to my parents room for our holiday lineup (youngest first all the way up to me) and we all trouped down the stairs to find our baskets full of goodies and Easter eggs all over the house. After finding all the eggs (I am a very good finder *beams*) and eating as much candy as we could before breakfast we went to church, came home, had Easter dinner and went to bed.

Spent the day playing the computer, chatting on MSN and avoiding Homework ^^; that is, until about 11:00 at night when I decided I might want to get it done before I went to school the next morning.

Tuesday: School x_x
School as usual,
Seminary- Good way to start out the day although it was a little slow until we started doing Scripture Mastery Games^^; I still can't wait until Brother Gambrell shows us his Ballroom competition tapes (he used to be a professional dancer and he promised to show us some of his tapes one of theses days) but who knows how long it will be.
Aerobics-My day had been pretty good up to this point. Ordinarily it's an ok class and I do have several friends in there but as we hadn't worked out during spring break we probably should have done something relatively easy right? Wrong. We knew from the instant that we came in the class and there was a T.V. at the front of the room that we were in for nothing but trouble. Our fears were confirmed when Mrs. Hansen announced (with a way too enthusiastic look on her face) that we were indeed doing Tae Bo. I swear the only way I got through it was to aim all of my punches and kicks at the T.V. and imagining them brutally mutilating Bill Blanks' overly hypocritical, "you can do it, just push yourself this one last time", constantly not working both sides of the body equally, way too willing to show of his muscles, "I'm watching you" outlook.
Math- Three words. I hate that class.
Lunch- endured Austin Higgley's asking me about Prom and wether I was going or not and being terrified at the look on his face when I replied that I hadn't been asked yet. *muttermutter* I wish my mom would just let me take my little brother (who's only 8 years old and technically not old enough to date yet but I feel that since he's my brother, it's a minor issue) but for some reason she flat out refused when I asked her about it *pouts* and he was so looking forward to going too *chuckles*
American Studies- More talking about the Holocaust which made me slightly depressed for the rest of the day.
Went home, got on the computer, turned on MSN (anyone starting to see a pattern here?)ect.

Right now I'm dead tired and will finish this entry tomorrow when I'm actually awake enough to remember what's happened the past few days.
Fare thee well.


queen_of_dead said...

long weekend. long entries. lots of love to you.
all I can say is fish flowers.

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