Oh goodness, it's been such a long time since I've posted anything anywhere that I'm a little out of practice, but I figure it's gotta be more productive that what I have been doing.
The move out to Minnesota was crazy! Alan and I drove in separate cars due to the difficulty of getting a hitch installed on our rodeo, so we were majorly focused on just getting out here. I was so sick and tired of fields by the end of it, but I am in love with our apartments and the environment out here. Alan and I finally get to use all of the amazing stuff we got from our wedding back in September, so that's been a blast, and the apartment is finally all unpacked. I, of course, have been lazy and haven't taken many pictures yet, so hopefully this will be the motivation that I need. Of course, it doesn't help that one of my computer drives freaked out once we got here and I had to reformat it, loosing a bunch of pictures that we did have. Very sad and frustrating that was.
Our baby Cleo is having a mixed time out here.
Yes, I know it's lame that our puppy gets that title now, but until we have a kid that's actually human, she gets to keep the title. She loves having all of the other dogs and kids out here to play with, but is not happy about needing to be on a leash every time we go outside. I <3 our complex for providing us with doggie disposal bags for her, it makes my life so much easier.
Gnar. it totally deleted part of my post. Serves me right for writing it straight into blogger first. Therefore, you get the shortened version:
I hate my bank :P The butheads closed out my account when they shouldn't have, and still have not sent us our new debit cards so we can actually use the money we have in the bank.
We invited people from apx over Sunday night, which was a blast. As far as apx is concerned, the philosophy is "if you make it, they will come". I made my mom's famous raspberry sweet rolls and had a ton of people over. Rolls were eaten, and our massive movie collection is now in use daily ^_^. I'll have to steal the photos from Jasmine and post them. I don't know whether it comes from having such a big family (I'm the oldest of ten) or what, but having people over finally makes our apartment feel more like home. Alan says I thrive on being the hostess, which is true, but I think it's an obsession that most are comfortable with. I need to make snickerdoodles again for the recipe group, which I am way excited for. I'll post my favorites from time to time, and with all the people out here we'll probably compile them into an apx cookbook before long.
I'm really feeling like I need to do something artsy. For the first time in a long time I am not working or going to school, and I need some kind of accomplishments to fill it. Look out for some more ani-girl comics in the near future, as soon as I can borrow a scanner from someone. To tide you over, here's one from my old Kid's Korner Preschool days. I'm sure most of the scenarios are familiar to all of the mothers out there.
I apologize for the messiness of the comics. I didn't want to take the effort of actually coloring and digitally inking them.
And that should do it! More laters.
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