Wednesday, June 1, 2011


This is a high image post, so beware.  I just joined Pinterest, which is probably one of the coolest sites I've ever seen!  I follow a ton of blogs, and find a bunch of amazing tutorials that I love, but organizing all of the tutorials so I can find them again is a pain in the butt.  I have just been creating bookmark folders for them, but then I have to constantly export and import my bookmarks to other folders, which just adds to my troubles.  With Pinterest, you can "pin" items that you see into folders that you customize.  Now no matter where I am, I can look up my favorite sites an tutorials!  

In order to add an item to Pinterest, it does have to be posted online, so I am posting some of the craft ideas that I have gathered over the years.  I am not sure who made them, so if you know please reply so I can give them credit.



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