I'm beginning to think my family is inherently evil.
Yesterday during dinner, Joseph, my 6 year old brother asked me if my dad had ever used his gun at any time besides during his Army/Air force training. I was slightly taken aback by this sudden question and replied that yes he had used it several times. Joseph, obviously very interested in the subject, asked what those times were. Shelli, with a deathly serious look on her face, then pipes up and says "Well Joseph, you never knew this but, we used to have another brother named Bob..." (At this point it was all I could do to keep from laughing) "And you see, well, one day Bob was really bad and dad took his gun and shot him."
Joseph looks up at Shelli with an awed look on his face. "Where did you bury him?" he asked.
"We never knew." I answered with a saddened look on my face. "We just woke up one morning and he was gone. Dad buried him while we were all asleep."
"So you don't know where he is?" Joseph asked with a shocked look on his face.
"Nope." I said
How old was he? Joseph asked. "Was he 6 like me?"
"Yeah he was. He even acted a lot like you."
"What did he do that was so bad?" Joseph asked.
That's just the thing! He didn't really do anything that bad. He was about as bad as you are but Dad just blew up."
(At this point Joseph just stared at Shelli and I awed at what he was hearing and Shelli and I were doing everything in our power not to burst out laughing at the look on his face.)
"Ani and I are the only ones who even remember him." Shelli said in an attempt to solidify our claim incase Joseph happened to go ask some of the other kids about it later.
"Yeah" I said. "But don't mention it to Dad, he gets really touchy whenever someone mentions Bob to him. Who knows he might get so upset that he might shoot you too!"
"He might?" Joseph asked startled.
"He just might, it's why you haven't heard about Bob before." I said. "Mom also gets upset when we talk about it so don't mention it to her, and the other kids don't know about it either but we feel we can trust you to not mention it to mom and dad, so don't mention it to them either."
"Ok."Joseph replied timidly.
This continued on for awhile while Shelli and I continued to elaborate on the story and Joseph asked some more questions ("Does dad get upset when we watch Vegitales and bob the tomato comes on? Is that why dad doesn't like us singing Vegitales songs?" and so forth). Finally Shelli and I ended the conversation and finished eating.
About a half an hour later my dad came home and Shelli and I ran outside to tell him about our "little joke" before Joseph could mention it to him (thereby getting us into trouble). My Dad, upon hearing of Josephs gullibility, laughed along with us and didn't mention our "little joke" to Joseph and tell him of the falsehood of it.
Now Joseph is at times gullible but is really a smart kid and felt he needed confirmation from dad before he could fully believe it, so today after dinner was over and my dad was done eating and was sitting at his computer, Joseph seized the moment and sat down by my dad.
"Dad?" He asked. "Yesterday Shelli and Ani were telling me that we had a brother named Bob and you shot him-
"Joseph I don't want you talking about it." My dad interrupted. "That's not something you should be talking about. It's a very delicate subject matter and you shouldn't be mentioning it."
(At this point I was almost paralyzed with suppressed laughter at the shocked look on Joseph's face)
"And you!" My dad said, turning to me with a harsh look on his face. "You shouldn't be mentioning it to anyone either, is that understood?"
"Yes." I replied meekly still restraining my laughter.
"Good." said my dad and turned back to Joseph. "Now go do your dishes." he said to him
As soon as Joseph was out of hearing both my dad and I burst out laughing. "Poor little guy!" I laughed. Now he really thinks it's true. He's going to be emotionally scarred for the rest of his life!" To this statement my dad only grinned and I returned, still laughing, to my computer and started typing this. I have no idea if Joseph will ever learn the truth about Bob.
Wait, just your family is inherently evil? Just your 'family', huh?
Heheh. . .my only claim to sibling evilry is when we convinced Rae Austin was moving in with us.
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