Tuesday, May 25, 2004

w00t for pictures!

I finally put some pictures on my journal!*insert much happiness and glee* It feels so weird to be doing something other than homework (even though I should be doing it right now).
Plus I don't feel tired for some odd strange reason and my sister actually babysitted for me today. I can't wait for summer but as much as I hate to admit it, I'm going to miss school. I really don't want to loose contact with any of my friends this summer and I hopefully should have more free time then I did last summer. My mom quit her job at the hospital and therefore should be home a lot more than she was last summer. My only time constraints are going to be on-line classes and a summer job. At this point it looks like that job is going to be hosting a daycare (yay...)although I'm trying to find somewhere that's hiring and has pretty good pay instead(if anyone has any ideas please tell me).

I have a strange feeling that my head is about to explode.


anischmidt said...

*reads post* Hrm...
Okay, I em screwy in ze head!
If I was breaking in the pen..wouldn't it have to be a pen..and wouldn't it be new...?
*watches image for hours* Woah. Cool.
Um..I'm just gonna go staple my mouth shut, now.

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