Keep the Key
No one will ever know
the secrets of my soul.
Like the calm crying
of the wind on a
Fall morning’s night.
The bells of the town in the distance,
behind you,
Portraying the everlasting hour.
Walking down the long corridor,
Recalling past events,
Dwelling on regrets and pain.
The sting of it only now an imprint
that is hidden beneath a mask of joy.
Convincing myself that the
state of being called love has not
been bestowed upon me;
Though I know better than to deny it,
for it’s power is sacred.
Each step vibrating within the depths of my soul,
compelling me to go forward in the night.
The once so constant paranoia has now been
replaced with comfort,
for fear is no longer dreaded.
Again I waver,
staggering for the moment
when life takes its devastating blow.
Waiting. That is what composes my life,
the music always to be played.
Changes in tempo and dynamic,
the melody remaining the same.
Darkness. Cold. Hate.
Live as though you were to die tomorrow.
I contain so much inexpressible love
to and for so many people.
They will never comprehend it.
Regardless, it’s there.
The secrets of life,
locked away until death.
Confusing the masses with its mystery.
They may be secrets,
guarded by a lock,
but love is the key,
and honestly living that key
is the secret.
Totally cool!?!?!?!
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