Tuesday, October 11, 2005

life update

I finally have the chance to actually post. The past month or so has been really busy/chaotic/tiring/emotional/extreme/add any appropriate word here. School has been going relatively well, and my grades have fortunately remained high. I tell you what Mrs. Woolsey is a saint. Were it not for her 2:45 homework policy there's no way I'd ever get any sleep. The past 2-3 weeks Cory and I had been working on our scene (Hamlet, a.4 sn.3) in any spare time we had. Which, considering Cory was involved in ensemble and in Les Mis., and I was involved in debate, MUN, and home stuff, was quite a problem timewise. Cedar city was awesome as always, though there wern't quite as many DTR's as we had predicted. Competitions sucked and we all got pretty screwed over by the judges. Cory and I got scores of 3rd, 4th, and first for ours.
And now life would be back to normal except for the addition of my grandpa's family coming to stay with us. For clarification, my grandpa works in Mexico a great deal for buisiness and met and married a lady named Maggie, who has 4 chilrden ( Chris-14, Ana-12, Chewi-10, Maggie-8). They're living with us fro a while while they buy a house in Cali. The only problem with their stay (besides clashing of personalities and rooming issues) is the fact that Chris is the only one of the children who speaks English. Maggie (the mom) understands a far amount of English while my dad speaks Spanish, so we fortunately have a fair amount of interpreters. On top of that I'm remembering words from 8th grade spanish, and have started (by no will of my own)speaking in a spanish accent while at home. Such has been really weird, especially as I have pretty much no idea what they're saying to my face, let alone behind my back.
And on that note bed calls and sleep is of great importance right now.


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