Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Two Days After Turkey Day

Hello Everyone. One the Saturday after Turkey Day is going to be a small birthday party. Sorry for the short notice. It will be about 5:30p.m. I really don't know what I am going to do yet so if you have any ideas let me know.

My Address: 676 East 1700 South Orem, UT, 84097 (how to get here: take the freeway or state stree to University Parkway and continue or head South pass the 1600 South light and off to the right a little ways up is a small old motel. Right after that is a street (1700 South) take it. My house will be on the right after you pass a laundramat and a redish house. My house is White with a big sign that says Master Wohlwends Martial Arts, and on the other side of the yard is a uncle sam.

My Phone Number: (801)434-4204 (please call me to let me know if you can come or not).


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