I've been so anti-social the past week or so, and it's driving me crazy! As most of you know we've been having some troubles with Cleo, our mini schnauzer.For 2 1/2 days she had nonstop diarrhea and vomiting, with no obvious reason for such. It finally got so bad that we took her to a vet out here, who put her on a simple diet and prescribed some meds to calm her insides down. For the longest time we had no idea what she could have gotten into to cause such problems. The lab results came back with nothing wrong, so she probably just ate something that didn't agree with her. As I have recently found out, she has no qualms about eating anything she can get her hands on. This is where the theory of relativity comes in;
Now, this theory is mostly seen in small children and animals and the adults that love them and take care of them on a daily basis. The theory states that young innocents have the uncanny ability to do, see, and say the wrong thing. This is seen when a child colors on the wall with permanent marker instead of washable markers, despite the permanent markers being put way up high and the washable markers being out on the table. This is seen when a child or animal spills or vomits something, not on the easily washable tile or linoleum floors, but on the carpet that is just off-white enough to not be bleachable. And finally, this is seen when a certain dog (cough*Cleo*cough), instead of chewing on the multitude of specially designed dog chew toys at her disposal, but instead chews on the most valuable and needed thing that she can find. In this case, it was the contact case holding my hard-gas permeable contacts, which are not disposable and can cost anywhere from $100-200 to replace. And thus, the results:
That's right, she chewed half of it completely off. I nearly killed her. Lucky for Cleo I was too stunned to move. I knew one contact was safe, but they only sell them in a set and I was pretty far away from my regular eye doctor, with no vision insurance available. Alan had come into the bathroom at this time and proceeded to crawl around the bathroom trying to find the tiny contact. Much to my shock and glee he did manage to find the contact, though the remaining pieces of the case were nowhere to be found. God definitely smiled upon us that day.
And thus, the theory of relativity. Either that, or Cleo really doesn't want me seeing what she's up to. A vendetta against eyewear. What a puppy!And yes, those white dots are chips in the glass from her nibbling on them.
That is crazy! I can't believe she chewed your case in half! I probably would gave killed her! And, I think your theory is intirely correct.
When Pooka was only a few months old James came home after a late night of installing. I was watching a movie and he was all sweaty from the FLorida humidity, so he took off his APX shirt and watched the movie with me in his G-top. When he grabbed his shirt he felt a big wet spot where Pooka was sitting and a missing button. The button was no where to be found. She had chewed it right off his shirt!!!
WOW!!! So that wasn't what was making her sick was it? A contact case stuck in the intestines? haha ;) Hope not!
The chewing of the case fortunately came after her being sick, but it could have been something she chewed prior to that.
Oh aren't dogs fun?! But you just can't get made at Cleo for too long because she is so darn cute! I heard her whining today and I felt so bad that she was so lonely while you are gone!
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