I considered being a lawyer in high school. Goodness knows I would probably be good at it, but the schooling is another 4 years, and I don't think it's really worth it for me at this time in my life.
I considered being a teacher, which I would love, but what would I teach? The only subjects that I had a passion for were English, Debate, and Drama, and with those programs being cut at such a huge rate around Utah, I don't know if I would even be in the running, let alone if it would pay enough with just those classes.
I've considered doing something with computers, which would pay well, and I could learn, but it's not my ideal field in any means.
I've considered psychology, but I don't think I could deal with the secrets and the burden of helping fix people's problems, let alone be able to give them the tough love everyone needs at times.
I considered being a mediator, and that one...that one I think I can do. Some good friends of my parents just got into it, and I think it would be a great job for me. It's like being a lawyer, psychologist, and teacher all rolled into one, but lacking the responsibility and take home frustration of each. So that, ladies and gentleman, is my new goal. Wish me luck!
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