Thursday, May 27, 2004


*Freaks out*

"$28 million has been added to the 2004 Selective Service System (SSS) budget to prepare for a military draft that could start as early as June 15, 2005."

"...provide for the common defense by requiring that all young persons [age 18--26] in the United States, including women, perform a period of military service or a period of civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security, and for other purposes."

"Dodging the draft will be more difficult than those from the Vietnam era. College and Canada will not be options."

"This plan, among other things, eliminates higher education as a shelter and includes women in the draft. "


Somebody pinch me. This can't be happening so it must be a dream.  I know it sound melodramatic of me but please somebody tell me it's just a bad dream.


purpleoctopi said...

I really don't think they'll do it.
Besides, according to the Myan calender, the world ends somewhere around the year 2027? So it'd. . .er. . .
Hrm. My math seems to be skewed.

tentegang said...

Psh! Hey, we only have... uh.. 20 someodd years.. to stay 17...
Not like we NEED to be 18, or anything, unless we want to order something from an infomercial..
I'm done.
Weeelll, I don't think it'll happen, either.
Nuttin' to worry about.
Sleep well, etc.

jason_imperius said...

Did I just hear a bubble burst?
Sorry to break the happy parade but... it is gonna happen and we'll all be stuck into military service(except Jenni cause she is a gimp) and die! Yep, there is nothing to do about it except get in line for your machine gun.
Or you can go look for all that fulfillment of prophecy stuff, then you know what's coming your way, kinda like a heads up.
Or you can go to sleep and worry about it... some other time... if at all... which is what I am going to do now.

purpleoctopi said...

Re: Did I just hear a bubble burst?
*lol* Cryptic, Jason? ;-)

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