Thursday, August 5, 2004

Another e-mail forward

My name is jenna.....i am 7 years old with blonde hair and scary eyes.  i have no nose or ears.... i am dead. if you do not send this 15 people in the next 5 minutes i will appear tonight by your bed with a knife and kill you.. this is no joke Something good will happen to u 2nite at 9:22. This is not a joke some1 will either call u or will talk to u  and say that they love u. do not break!



What I really wonder is how she typed that up and sent it. Maybe she was blessed enough to still have fingers, although typing with decomposing fingers has got to be a messy pastime.

Ani= dead tonight as she is not going to forward the e-mail in the next 5 minutes.
Ani also=still can't stop laughing.

BTW Justin tonight may be a good time for me to learn how to disarm someone with a knife in their hand *grins* that is IF "jenna" hasn't decomposed to the point where she can no longer hold a knife.


queen_of_dead said...

I think I know her!

failon said...

Well... I was kinda gone. Um. Good luck with that...

queen_of_dead said...

justin, HAHAHAHAHAHAH I love that picture thing,HAHAHAHAHAH
"stop hitt'in yourself, stop hitt'in yourself"

anischmidt said...

Well she still hasn't come by...hmm... maybe she got lost?

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