Thursday, October 21, 2004

I'm gona make myself sick.

According to my calculations, in the past 91 hours (from 6:45 AM on Tuesday morning, to 1:50 AM on Friday morning) I have slept a grand total of 9 hours (3 hours on Tuesday night from 3:45AM-6:45AM and 6 hours on Wednesday night from 12:45AM-6:45AM). Yes you heard me right, I slept two hours past the 7 hours in a week qualification for being legally insane. I have yet to finish my Cases for Debate (which I am supposed to be using in the tournament tomorrow) I am going to fail at least one of my classes unless I can find some way to make up some stuff before team ends. yeah, and the reason why I haven't slept is due to me staying up late trying to get my homework (particularly my cases) done before term ends. Due to conversations with people I work with I now hate seniors with a burning passion.
Oh and due to my lack of sleep I'm likely to either be really irritable, Liable to break down in tears at the least provocation, or really hyper tomorrow (most likely some of both) so it might be wise to stay out of my way until, say, thanksgiving break which will be the soonest chance I have of catching up on my sleep.
*chews arm off*
I don't care what stupid freaking homework I have left to do, I'm going to bed.


tretion said...

Take a deep breath. I know how you feel. Next time, feel free to call me and I can help you make your cases. I do know how to do that ;)

queen_of_dead said...

yeah, cause you so didn't use my cases oh no. Even though they were not cut down for descent time and all.

tentegang said...

*shakes head* Ani, I have a feeling. You know, one of those feelings in the pit of your stomach that makes you want to shudder and laugh at the same ime? Yeah. I have a feeling that you need to drop Debate. I wasn't just being "dramatically" jealous. I really do think it's time to clear off your plate.
Pray about it, okay?

queen_of_dead said...

you could do that or you could stay with me the QUEEN OF THE DEAD. I personaly choose me.

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