Thursday, December 29, 2005


As some of you may know My dog Heidi had seven puppies christmas night. Unfortunately out of those seven only four lived through the night. In the 14 years my family has been breeding these dogs we've only lost one other puppy besides these, and that was due to circumstances beyond our control (the pup was born outside and we didn't find out about it until the next day). As such loosing so many was a real blow to all of us, especially my mom. To make matters worse, my mom took the remaining puppies to the vet for their checkup, and the stupid vet gave them dewormer. As a result, one of the females died last night, and one of the males is acting exactly like she did last night, meaning that we may end up with only two of the seven alive and healthy by the end of the day.


tretion said...

Sorry. I wish I had gotten on sooner. Umm, generally speaking, my sister and I know a few tricks to help keep pups alive.. Even after dewormers and other things have been given when they shouldn't have been.

anischmidt said...

Yeah, my mom knows a few of those too. Even with all her nursing training, even with her 14 years experience with puppies, even with the vet's assistance, the sick male died sunday morning. From the autopsy we found out that the dewormer had crippled their immune systems and both got pneumonia. We tried everything from feeding tubes to heat lamps to constant rubbing and nothing really worked. My mom was really upset about it as this is the first time anything like this has happened and she hasn't been able to help them. So now we have two very fat, relatively healthy puppies, and a vet that my mom will not soon return too. thanks for the sympathy though.

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