Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Buying a car...A better approach.

This is awesome!


Shambi-Galambi said...

First thing, You need to add the followers gadet on your side bar so I can follow your blog!

Second, I have been talking to Alex and we are considering upgrades but I freakin love my black berry! so I need more details about how awesome the droid is and exactly what it can do?

Shambi-Galambi said...

LOL totally posted this on the wrong thing... :S

PS please take the word verify off your comment box thing :)

Unknown said...

Done and Done! I'll post on the other blog more awesome android stuff. Or rather, I'll just create a new post for the basics of android. I can't compare it to the blackberry, but I think it will be informative either way.

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